Only highly rated items

From your favorite stores

Sometimes you just want to see the best of the best helps you find only those items with a high rating from your favorite online stores

How can help?

We show you products from your favorite retailers that have a very high rating. You don't have time to see anything else but the best.

Our story is a spinoff of our original project 1 Dollar Things. 1 Dollar Things was made to create a great bargain hunting experience online. We recognized that some people prioritize quality over price. uses the same technology to provide that quality centric shopping experience.

Here's how it works: Product links take you directly to the appropriate product on the retailer's website. Cookies are used in order to give us credit for helping you find what you were looking for. We will receive a commission for products you purchase as a result of using this app.

Amazon is a great place to find quality items. Many of these items are eligible for prime shipping. The wealth of reviews on Amazon make that five star rating well earned.